Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Positively positive? Negative.

    Okay, I am going to be honest with you; I'm a fairly negative person. Not to the point whereby I've given up on modern civilization and have decided to move into a cave (where would I plug in my Xbox, I mean really people, you've got to think these things through), but simply have accepted the notion that if you look negatively at things, you'll rarely be disappointed.

    This attitude, though flawless, does not attract a great deal of followers. Now to me that's okay. I'm not really suited to being any sort of leader of a movement except those of a bowel variety and I know no one wants any part of that.  But along with this realization of negativity, I've noticed my wife seems to be slightly less negative...or or more positive (depending on why whether you are a glass a half broken or half not yet broken sort of a person).  Because of this fact, I am going to make an attempt of being a little less negative for a while.

    So...positive stuff...well...how ya been? No, no, kept it together, they don't want to read that. Okay. Okay. Positive.  They got all those people off the Concordia last year when the skipper ran it aground...destroying the ship and the local coral formations and costing millions of dollars...nope, still negative. 

    Baseball is just around the corner...a wonderful collection of millionaires hitting and catching balls that aren't a member of any rich cougars club of Beverly Hills. No, no, still negative and mildly blue collar.

   Oh to hell with it.  I've become somewhat distrustful of our nations politicians.  There is a possibility, though probably shocking to read, that those in our government are thinking solely of themselves and not of our country as a whole.  You've got to admit, we are all still in a bit of a pickle here and there doesn't seem to be much hope that the collection of rich white guys speaking in the same tone as that of a test pattern will turn things around.  Worse still, I think we've all started to think the same thing.

    I'm starting to get the distinct impression that people are coming to the realization that politicians (most, but not all...just almost all) should either be voted off our collective island or should all be given a free cruise with some rich cougars from Beverly Hills.  And ya know what? I've got just the Captain for you.

   So is this a negative article but still in fun? Positively.

Until next time,

Be Good or Be Good At It!

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